Links to regional web sites of interest
Accomodations and Hotel Guides
Villa-Jamaica: Listing of St. Kitts Resorts
A web site hosting extensive links to the region
Orrin's Caribbean Index
Another extensive regional link site
Caribbean Inns, LTD
Caribbean Inns markets and makes reservations for the upscale Golden Lemon Inn , the Keyhouse Villa, and the Leeward House Villa on St. Kitts
Island Connoisseur
The premier resource for the Caribbean featuring over 3,500 pages of Caribbean travel and destination information
Ottleys Plantation Inn
Ottleys Plantation is another upscale romantic resort on the island, with historic accommodations and fine cuisine
Frigate Bay Resort
Hotel in the center of Frigate Bay, nice web site with island information
Palms Hotel
A lovely all-suite hotel located in the heart of historic Basseterre
Coral Reef Cottage
A nice ocean front cottage for vacationers
Island Paradise Village
Accomodations in Frigate Bay
Debbie's Caribbean Resort Reviews
informative guide to Caribbean lodging
St.Kitts Island Information and Luxury Resorts
Travel guide listing accomodations
"Where to stay"
Information on accomodations
"Sunshine's on the beach"
The most famous Sunshine's, located just next to the Four Seasons Resort, where one can enjoy wonderful fresh seafood and music while enjoying "Killer Bees", a fine cocktail
"St. Kitts Headlines"
Local and regional news
Business in the Caribbean
Tax Advice
This web site gives extensive advice on the tax situation in the caribbean
Spirit Offshore Webhosting
Providing webhosting services especially for International Business Corporations
St. Kitts Government
St.Kitts Ministry of Tourism
St.Kitts Ministry of Tourism: Excellent informative site about the island, including business opportunities
St.Kitts Government
St.Kitts Government main page
St. Kitts Associations
St.Christopher Heritage Society
Promotes the natural, historical and cultural heritage of St. Kitts
Ross University
Ross University New York
Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine
Ross University St. Kitts
Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, St. Kitts home page
College Talk
Bulletin Board for Ross University, many students posting
Web Masters: If you would like your web site listed, please email your URL to DrBucheler@Hotmail.Com
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